Investment Management

When was the last time someone took a good look at your investments? At Sagent Wealth Management, we have the experience to evaluate your investments and provide you advice on their merits. As a Fiduciary, we have a responsibility to do this in a way that puts your best interests first.

So, whether your investments are in an investment account, an IRA, a 401(k), a bank account –or elsewhere, we can evaluate them and help you select new investments if necessary.

The process begins with a Complimentary Financial Checkup, a report that provides a comprehensive analysis of your investments and your overall financial health, along with a plan designed to help you achieve your long-term financial goals.

Contact Us today to discuss preparing one for you.

Complimentary Financial Checkups are provided to investors with investment portfolios of $250,000 or more (Includes cash, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, 401(k)’s and other retirement Accounts)

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