Home prices in major cities continue to climb

Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller index rises 1% in August from July in its third consecutive monthly gain.  Click photo to read the entire October 28, 2009 Los Angeles Times article.

Fed Survey finds ‘Modest improvements’ in Economy

The latest Beige Book report from the Federal Reserve shows ‘modest improvements’ in the economy. Accounts from across the Federal Reserve system “indicate either stabilization or modest improvements in many sectors since the last report” the beige book said, “albeit from depressed levels.” Click the photo to the left to view the entire article from  Read more ➝

Lake Tahoe Flume Trail

Lake Tahoe has got to be one of the most beautiful places on earth and I appreciate each time I have the opportunity to visit.  This week I was fortunate enough to spend three days mountain biking some of Tahoe’s best mountain bike trails with my good friends Tim, Kevin and Grant.  The first two days were  Read more ➝

The National Parks: America’s Best Idea

As a child I spent a lot of time with my family enjoying camping and day trips to the White Mountains and Sedona areas of Northern Arizona.  When I moved to California, I sought out something similar and was told to visit Yosemite.  I will never forget the first time I came through the tunnel  Read more ➝

The Machismo and Marianismo Tango

Our good friend, long time client and clinical psychologist Dr. David Sequeira recently published,  The Machismo and Marianismo Tango, a dissertation that was originally accepted by his dean with the proviso that it not be published. Dr. Sequeira tells us, the dean, “did not like what I had written”.  Click on the photo at right  Read more ➝

Grim forecast for L.A. and Long Beach ports

Imports at the Port of Long Beach, the nation’s second-busiest port, fell 18.6% compared with a month earlier.  Overall cargo traffic is down 26.8% for the year.  This according to a new report produced for the local ports but not released to the public. “It’s going to take a long time to climb up out  Read more ➝

Ben Bernanke And The ‘Great Panic’

On my drive home yesterday, I was able to listen to the latest broadcast of WHYY’s Fresh Air on National Public Radio (NPR).  This week’s show featured an interview with Wall Street Journal economics editor David Wessel on his new book, In Fed We Trust: Ben Bernanke’s War on the Great Panic.  The book examines the expanding  Read more ➝

Balboa Island vacationers still happy

I enjoyed reading today’s Los Angeles Times article about Balboa Island.  As a child, my family often spent our summer vacations on the Island.  When we arrived at Balboa Island from our home in Phoenix Arizona we thought we were in Shangri La!  I never could understand why we had to go home.  I can  Read more ➝

Fed’s Beige Book offers brighter assesment

On Wednesday, The Federal Reserve released their Beige Book, a compilation of impressions collected from businesses across the county.  This latest report appears to show an economy that is slowing it’s downward slide.  Click on the photo to the left to take you to the complete article from the Thursday, July 30, 2009 edition of the  Read more ➝